Stiffness estimation of unbound marginal granular materials through dynamic CBR test




dynamic CBR test, equivalent resilient modulus, marginal granular material, unbound granular material, resilient modulus, stiffness, pavements


Laboratory evaluation of unbound granular materials response (e.g., paving granular subbases and bases) subjected to dynamic load is limited in Colombia. This state of the practice is related, among other aspects, to the fact that the dynamic triaxial equipment required for its determination is expensive, and the test protocols are complex. In the last decade, work has been carried out to develop the dynamic CBR test (dCBR) that employs the CBR equipment but modifies the testing protocol applied in the CBR test. This research proposes the basis of a new protocol for the dCBR test to determine the stiffness of granular materials (i.e., equivalent resilient modulus) by applying seven steps repeated load, where each step is defined by a target strain. The study included two marginal granular materials (MGMs) with high plasticity indexes. The results suggest that the dCBR test protocol proposed allows estimating the equivalent resilient modulus. In addition, the proposed protocol differentiates the effect of the plasticity index on the stiffness of the MGM (i.e., reduction of equivalent resilient modulus as the plasticity index increases). Therefore, it is proposed to extend the range of materials characterized to validate the preliminary results presented and inquire about a possible correlation between the values of resilient modulus and equivalent resilient modulus.

Author Biographies

JHON FREDY RINCON MORANTES, Escuela Militar de Cadetes General José María Córdova

Magister en Infraestructura Vial, Estudiante de doctorado, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Facultad de Ingeniería, Doctorado en Ciencias Aplicadas, km 2 vía Cajicá-Zipaquirá (Cundinamarca), Mayor del Ejército Nacional, Escuela Militar de Cadetes General José María Córdova - ESMIC, Facultad de Ingeniería, Programa de Ingeniería Civil, Calle 80 # 38-00, Bogotá D.C.

ALLEX EDUARDO ALVAREZ LUGO, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Doctor en Ingeniería Civil, Profesor titular, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Escuela de Ingeniería Civil, Grupo de Investigación en Materiales de Construcción y Estructuras-INME, Carrera 27-calle 9 ciudad universitaria, Bucaramanga (Santander),

OSCAR JAVIER REYES ORTIZ, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Doctor en Ingeniería, Profesor titular, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Facultad de Ingeniería, Programa de Ingeniería Civil; Grupo de Investigación Geotecnia, Carrera 11 #101-80, Bogotá D.C.,


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How to Cite

J. F. RINCON MORANTES, A. E. ALVAREZ LUGO, and O. J. REYES ORTIZ, “Stiffness estimation of unbound marginal granular materials through dynamic CBR test”, Ing. y Des., vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 92–113, Jan. 2022.