Analysis of the operational variables of the extraction stage in a sugar mill




imbibition, milling, sugar production, sugar cane


This work aims to evaluate the extraction stage of the raw sugar manufacturing process of a sugar mill based on real data, from different points of view. For this purpose, data were taken from all the operational variables and laboratory determinations for 12 days and regression analyzes were carried out, in order to determine if there are logical relationships between the variables that are supposedly correlated. Moreover, from the processing and analysis it was detected that the ground cane, sucrose content in bagasse (Pol in bagasse) and percentage of imbibition water do not comply with the standard. Overall, based on the analyzes performed, operational variants are proposed for a better and more efficient use of the imbibition water and the energy resources of the analyzed industry.


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How to Cite

J. Serrano Febles, M. Luis León, and J. Luis Orozco, “Analysis of the operational variables of the extraction stage in a sugar mill”, Ing. y Des., vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 114–130, Jul. 2022.