Accelerated Polishing test in road marking paint and its connection with water absorption




Abrasion, Absorption, Road Marking, Paints, Accelerated Polishing


The durability of road marking materials is evaluated with tests ranging from field tests to ones that employ large-scale equipment. These require significant testing periods or enormous investments. To evaluate abrasion, methods from the field of paints are used, that present a shortcoming in the evaluation in service related to the behavior in the presence of water. This aspect generates the interest in adapting the Aggregate Accelerated Polishing test to evaluate the wear through a weight loss of the paints. Given this equipment is used in the road environment, it facilitated the generalization of its use in road quality control laboratories. The resulting values ??are contrasted with those obtained in the Taber Abraser test and an in-service test carried out for this purpose. Additionally, absorption in water is implemented as an additional parameter. Finally, it is highlighted that adopting the Accelerated Polishing test allows having an estimation of the behavior in service, with the advantage of being able to test several samples simultaneously under the same conditions, finding that the absorption of water is related to the results obtained.


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How to Cite

V. V. Mechura, H. L. . Delbono, and J. J. . Rivera, “Accelerated Polishing test in road marking paint and its connection with water absorption”, Ing. y Des., vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 187–203, Jul. 2022.