Validation of results through Montecarlo algorithm in procedure temperature calibration
Uncertainty estimation, uncertainty propagation, Montecarlo simulation, validationAbstract
Conformity assessment bodies (OEC) accredited by ISO/IEC 17025 perform validation of results, in order to confirm by technical competence review the provision of objective evidence, assessing compliance with the necessary regulatory requirements for a specific application [1]. The Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) provides two alternatives for evaluating and expressing measurement uncertainty. The first is a methodology based on a linear model of propagation of uncertainty, and the second is an alternative method of propagation by Monte Carlo simulation (MCM) [2]. Although the first alternative is the most used by OEC due to its simplicity, in this work it is proposed to use the second alternative based on MCM as a method of validating results. For this purpose, an implementation guide for the algorithms described in Supplement 1 of the GUM is presented, in the calibration procedure for temperature measurement equipment based on the technical standard Thermometers, contact, direct reading: Calibration (NT VVS 103). The results obtained show an acceptable numerical tolerance, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed tool in the use of the GUM methodology validated through the procedures described in Supplement 1.
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