Bibliometric and thematic analysis in humanitarian logistics research




Supply chain, Disaster management, Humanitarian logistics, Emerging technology


The purpose of the research is to analyze and evaluate the existing literature in the field of humanitarian logistics, through a bibliometric and thematic analysis that incorporates important scientific mapping tools. The search equation in Scopus yielded 767 documents, which were analyzed using two tools: VOSviewer, a software that allows generating bibliometric networks of bibliographic coupling and co-occurrence of terms, and the Bibliometrix R package, with which the map of scientific production by country and the keyword cloud are developed. In this way, it is determined that the field of humanitarian logistics has grown significantly in recent years, however, production in Latin America remains scarce. On the other hand, the thematic analysis has provided an overview of the possibilities of technology in humanitarian logistics. Finally, a future research agenda in humanitarian logistics is proposed, identifying potential topics for study.


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How to Cite

C. A. Arango Pastrana, “Bibliometric and thematic analysis in humanitarian logistics research”, Ing. y Des., vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 94–116, Jan. 2023.