Influence of static soil-structure interaction at 100-meter high buildings
wind load, Computational modelling, soft soil, soil-structure interaction (SSI)Abstract
It is common practice to disregard the effect of soil-structure interaction (SSI) idealizing the structure`s supports as fixed, this simplification can lead to inaccuracies in the structural response and underestimation or overestimation of internal forces and displacements, which can cause errors in design. This work analyzes the influence of the SSI on the structural response in a 100 meters-high building subjected to dynamic wind load. SSI was analyzed through continuous numerical methods on homogeneous compressible soil strata and non-consideration through fixed supports, with the aim to obtain oscillation frequencies variation, horizontal displacements and internal forces from structural elements, between the models with and without SSI, to consider SSI, interface elements between the ground and the foundation were incorporated. The results show that SSI has a considerable effect on the increase of the lateral displacements, on the decrease of the oscillation frequency for all the analyzed modes and on structure`s internal forces variation, therefore, its analysis is necessary. when buildings are projected on soft soils.
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