Diesel engine performance in biodiesel application
biodiesel, combustion, diesel engine, understanding ratioAbstract
To improve diesel engine conditions; parameters such as fuel load conditions (low; high and partial); which influence the stability and speed of combustion; and the generation of emissions; should be analysed; in addition to the ideal blend of biodiesel and injection time. The effect of the injection when applying biodiesel; can generate increased consumption; with its higher viscosity causes a greater injection delay; alternatives are recommended to solve this and other mishaps. In the case of the compression ratio in the diesel engine is another factor that influences the reduction of emissions when applying biodiesel; as well as engine performance. In this paper we study the result of the dual function when applying biodiesel as pilot fuel and biogas as main fuel; with the latter; the use of biodiesel can be made more competitive; positioning it as a main fuel or as a pilot fuel for the engine. Finally; the phenomenon of the hit and the emissions generated from biodiesel in the diesel engine are analyzed.
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