Hydrotransport of paper pulp in an open channel of circular section


  • Hernán Javier Gómez Zambrano Universidad de Nariño


This article presents the results of the carried out experimental investigation on the hydrotransport of mixtures in open channels. The author investigated non settling mixtures composed of pulp of paper and water in an open channel of circular cross section. The object of the investigation was to determine the energy losses due to the flow of water and pulp of paper and to propose a methodology for the design of open channels for mixtures. For the experimental development an assembly of laboratory was built in which a circular channel with variable slope was adapted. As a result it was possible to obtain new equations for the coefficient of friction of Darcy-Weisbach and the coefficient of friction of Manning, which relate these coefficients with the properties of the water, those of the mixture and the slope of the channel. With the equations obtained in the investigation the author it proposed a new methodology for the design of channels that they transport mixtures of water and paper pulp.

Author Biography

Hernán Javier Gómez Zambrano, Universidad de Nariño

Ingeniero Civil. Magíster en Recursos Hidráulicos de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Docente de tiempo completo de la Universidad de Nariño.

How to Cite

H. J. Gómez Zambrano, “Hydrotransport of paper pulp in an open channel of circular section”, Ing. y Des., vol. 25, no. 25, Jun. 2011.


