Kinetic study of long-term atmospheric corrosion for carbon steel and galvanized steel exposed in Medellín city
Atmospheric corrosion, Carbon steel, Galvanized steel, Mass loss, KineticsAbstract
Atmospheric corrosion is one of the natural phenomena with the greatest impact on the integrity of metallic infrastructures worldwide and especially in tropical environments. However; most atmospheric corrosion studies carried out in natural environments do not exceed 5 years of exposure; and studies with results of 10 or more years are even fewer. This study evaluates the corrosion kinetics of carbon and galvanized steels exposed in the downtown area of Medellín; classified as a moderate aggressiveness environment; from results obtained at 1; 2; 5; 8 and 11 years. For both materials; a corrosion kinetic equation was obtained from Log-Log plots of mass loss; useful for making long-term predictions of the deterioration of structures exposed to the atmosphere. The corrosion of the galvanized was approximately between 10 to 17 times lower than that of carbon steel.
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