Effect of permeability on the factor of safety of earthen dams under rainfall





volumetric water content, safety factor, rainfall intensity, permeability, earthen dams


In this research, permeability and volumetric water content are related to evaluate their influence on the safety factor of 30-meter-high homogeneous earthen dams. For this, five analysis cases are considered, including clayey soils in the embankment, one for each case: a drainage prism and a waterproof base. Establishing three relationships between permeability and volumetric water content, based on the parameters of the soil studies and with the use of the Terzaghi and Schlichter equations, the fundamental conditions of the investigation are established. Five days of continuous rain are considered for three intensities, related to the saturated permeability of each soil. For this, a hybrid model of finite elements and limit equilibrium is used, through the GeoStudio (2018) program. The result allows establishing a relationship between the failure time, the permeability estimation method and the safety factor for the rain intensities, observing that, with the application of the Schlichter method, the safety factor decreases abruptly in the first 48 hours, while for the Terzaghi method the results show a greater similarity with those obtained from the parameters of the soil studies.


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How to Cite

I. Flores Berenguer, O. Jacobo Rodríguez, S. . García Martínez, Y. González Haramboure, and J. . García Tristá, “Effect of permeability on the factor of safety of earthen dams under rainfall”, Ing. y Des., vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 24–43, Jan. 2025.