Automated image acquisition system for optical microscope


  • Said David Pertuz Arroyo Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Héctor Reneé Ibañez Grandas Universidad Industrial de Santander


In this paper a study of some functions for measuring the relative degree of focus of images is presented. The modification of some existing functions is proposed to improve their performance and a focus searching algorithm is developed in order to perform autofocusing. The focus searching algorithm is then implemented on an optical microscope with motorized X-Y-Z stage to achieve full automation of the focusing and image acquisition process. The description of the control system for
-Y-Z movement of the stage is also presented.

Author Biographies

Said David Pertuz Arroyo, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Ingeniero Electrónico, Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Héctor Reneé Ibañez Grandas, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Ingeniero Electrónico, Universidad Industrial de Santander.

How to Cite

S. D. Pertuz Arroyo and H. R. Ibañez Grandas, “Automated image acquisition system for optical microscope”, Ing. y Des., vol. 22, no. 22, pp. 23–37, Aug. 2011.


