WiTricity by magnetic induction


  • Hernan Paz Penagos Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería JULIO GARAVITO
  • Juan Jose Torres Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería JULIO GARAVITO




Performing two experiments for wireless transport of electrical energy (WiTricity) in the near field regions: reactive and Fresnel zone, in which the magnetic induction principle was applied and solenoids in a self resonant and coupling regime close to 1, were used, these showed be efficient in the transfer of electricity to distances up to 4 times the radius of the coil (Experiment 2, L1,2), with an efficiency of 60%. The article presents the design and results of research experience, likewise, it is discussed the practical applicability for future work.



How to Cite

H. Paz Penagos and J. J. Torres, “WiTricity by magnetic induction”, Ing. y Des., vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 1–25, Apr. 2014.