Diagnostic of a permanent magnet motor by means of FEM


  • Juan Gabriel Osorio Cucalón Universidad del Valle
  • Sindy Lorena Ramírez Perdomo Universidad del Valle


This paper presents a fault diagnosis for opening phase in the stator of a synchronous permanent magnet motor (MSIP) using the finite element method (FEM) in 2D. The analysis was based on the behavior of the responses of the motor variables in steady state under normal operation of the machine, as well as their behavior in transitional and post-failure state. This analysis is done with the aim of categorizing the type of fault according to the content of harmonics in the currents of the stator. Five diagnostic methods known in the literature were used to determine the type of fault just observing the content of harmonics in the stator currents. The diagnostic methods used were: 1-Fast Fourier Transform, 2-Geometric place of the Park Vector, 3-spectral density of energy, 4- Multiple Signal Classification and 5-Method of the Impedance of Reverse Sequence. The results found were consistent for the same fault.

Author Biographies

Juan Gabriel Osorio Cucalón, Universidad del Valle

Ingeniero Electricista, Universidad del Valle. Estudiante de Maestría
en ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad del Valle

Sindy Lorena Ramírez Perdomo, Universidad del Valle

Ingeniera Electricista, Universidad del Valle. M.Sc en Ingeniería
Eléctrica, Universidad del valle. Estudiante de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, integrante del Grupo de Investigación en Alta Tensión



How to Cite

J. G. Osorio Cucalón and S. L. Ramírez Perdomo, “Diagnostic of a permanent magnet motor by means of FEM”, Ing. y Des., vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 165–183, Mar. 2016.