Reducing the computational cost of the authentication process in SET protocol
AbstractSET is a secure credit card payment protocol that provides a robust security model based on data integrity, data confidentiality and mutual authentication to deliver personal and financial information through Internet. However, the parties involved in the transaction must carry out a lot of cryptographic operations which can be a problem when these parties use mobile devices with low processing and storage capacities. This paper shows how the computational cost of the SET protocol can be reduced when another protocol called TRUTHC is used in conjunction with the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Results show that the total execution time can be reduced about 3% using TRUTHC from the customer point of view. This reduction is still the same in spite of the increase of path length.
How to Cite
C. Satizábal, R. Martínez-Peláez, F. J. Rico-Novella, and J. Forné, “Reducing the computational cost of the authentication process in SET protocol”, Ing. y Des., vol. 27, no. 27, pp. 1–24, Sep. 2010.