Evaluation of GHG emissions by sugarcane crop fertilization, from a focus on system dynamics
This paper stands the results for a systems dynamics model, whichallows to evaluate the carbon footprint behavior from ureic and nitrogenfertilizers applications on sugarcane crop fields located at Valledel Cauca on a 5 years simulation. As a research methodology, bothdynamics Nitrogen Cycle and the IPCC Guidelines were studied in orderto estimate GHG emissions. The main result presented that transitionand organic sugarcane crops have a lower level of GHG emissions thana commercial sugarcane crop, with a decrease of 71% and 36% respectively.Through Sensitivity Analysis, since fractional fertilization dosesinto two times, it is not possible to observe GHG emissions reductionon both medium and long terms. However, considering the suggesteddoses due to soil characteristics under study and the sugarcane cropcycle, significant levels of emissions reductions were obtained in commercialand organic crops, corresponding on average 21% (plant crop)and 32% (second ratoon crop). Finally, we conclude on the significanceof adopting strategies for fertilization in order to increase productivityand to reduce environmental impact.Published
How to Cite
L. M. Rodríguez Pérez, “Evaluation of GHG emissions by sugarcane crop fertilization, from a focus on system dynamics”, Ing. y Des., vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 1–17, Dec. 2017.