Bearing capacity of footings in unsaturated soils employing analytic methods
The study of the behavior of unsaturated soils has been the subject ofseveral studies in recent years. The objective of this paper is to summarizethe main aspects and different theories established by reference authors,used to estimate bearing capacity of unsaturated soils. The variationin the bearing capacity of a square shaped foundation surface: sides B= L 1.5 m is obtained, using the approach proposed by Brinch-Hansenconsidering the formulations offered by Fredlund and Vanapalli toestimate the unsaturated soil strength parameters (c and ?). Each ofthe reviewed formulations suggests a law of variation of cohesionvalues depending on the unsaturated suction function. A comparisonof the behavior between the unsaturated and the saturated phases, isperformed, using different values of matric suction obtained by meansof the soil retention curve of Formation Capdevila.Published
How to Cite
J. García Tristá, W. D. Cobelo Cristía, and G. J. Quevedo Sotolongo, “Bearing capacity of footings in unsaturated soils employing analytic methods”, Ing. y Des., vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 417–430, Jul. 2017.