Design of a special gear tooth profile in accordance with geometric criteria and fatigue strength
This paper shows the design of spur gears that uses special features in thelayout of the job profile of the teeth. The special profiles are defined bymean of potential functions, while the conjugates profiles are calculatedby polynomial functions, to ensuring compliance with the basic law ofmeshing. The designs of the gears with special profiles are comparedto an equivalent standardized modular gear. The Ansys Software isused for modeling the equivalent Von Mises maximum stress, in orderto perform the estimation of fatigue life in the gears. The main resultsof this research is found that the use of special profiles can reduce theequivalent von Mises maximum stress in the transmission system byup to 5.4 %, which is an element that enhances the safety factor in thecouple of special profiles, compared with the profile of normal modulesystem; it becomes in a prolongation of life to being gear damaged.Published
How to Cite
P. N. Martínez Henao and N. Arzola de la Peña, “Design of a special gear tooth profile in accordance with geometric criteria and fatigue strength”, Ing. y Des., vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 431–451, Jul. 2017.