Evaluation of tangential and radial stresses on thick walled concrete cylinders under internal pressure
This article evaluates the relationship between the radial stress and tangential stress when a hollow cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure (Pi). In previous research, authors reported a new methodology to generate a tension strength test in hollow concrete cylinders. As a novel method, to understand the stress behaviour on the probe, it is important to establish relationships between these stresses and its correlations. This article reflects how these stresses vary according to the different internal radius (ri) for hollow cylinders. As result of this evaluation, it was found that the value of tangential stress at any point is equal to the minimum tangential stress (it is present at the outer surface of the hollow cylinder) plus the value of the radial stress at the evaluation point. The maximum tensile stress always occurs at the internal surface of the cylinder and at a value for tangential stress higher than Pi.