Massive online courses, MOOC: courses for the whole minorities?: a review from positions about the impact of virtual education and the reducing of the social gap
MOOC; massive open on line courses, inequity, access to educationAbstract
Massive online courses (MOOC) for the time being, do not cover the purpose of overcoming inequity or lack of access to education. With almost 10 years of evolution, most of the courses on offer are complementary to a professional education and not as an option of this. Therefore, students who attend MOOC already had the opportunity to pursue a university degree. It is necessary to review how much they have affected the reality of the inequity, in the access to education, and in what way the universities can find strategies for the MOOC, will contribute to the access to the free and superior education Quality. The model Deserves a rethinking so that it really affects the populations most in need and not, in an immense minority.
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