Los vínculos afectivos y la estructura social. Una reflexión sobre la convivencia desde la red de promoción del buen trato


  • Carlos A. Arango Cálad Universidad del Valle, Colombia


Social support, social networks, intervention in social networks




This article envisages the search for the already existent relationships that regulate the conviviality and social structure, as well as the possibility for transformation in these relationships. For this matter it presents in the first place a general revision of the concepts and investigations that found the

psychosocial scope on processes of social support and revises the belonging of these processes in the fields of health and welfare. Revises and establishes the concept of social network, identifying the different levels of intervention from an intimate atmosphere or micro social to the level of the macro social. It identifies and makes the difference between three types of nets: the informal, the formal an the virtual. It presents the concept of intervention on the net and a series of methodological recommendations and practices in order to archieve a social diagnosis of the situation and a proposal of intervention on the net, warnin the readers about the implications that the intervention has in the switching from one level to another one.

Author Biography

Carlos A. Arango Cálad, Universidad del Valle, Colombia

Ph.D. en psicología social y de las organizaciones, universidad de Valencia (España), master en psicología comunitaria, universidad de Valencia (España). Profesor

titular instituto de educación y pedagogía, universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Arango Cálad, C. A. (2010). Los vínculos afectivos y la estructura social. Una reflexión sobre la convivencia desde la red de promoción del buen trato. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 11(1), 70–103. Retrieved from https://rcientificas.uninorte.edu.co/index.php/investigacion/article/view/1149



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