Development of gender cognitions in children. Qualitative systematic review


  • Ángela María Rojas Martínez Universidad de los Andes, Colombia



cognitions, gender, development, childhood


Despite the growing interest in the promotion of cognitions related to equity in children and young people, little is known about the development of gender cognitions (CG) throughout childhood. With the aim of contributing to identify, integrate and facilitate the use of the available evidence on the subject, a qualitative systematic review was carried out in three electronic databases with extensive experience in psychology. A total of 30 reports were coded and analyzed using the coding manual of Vargas Trujillo (2004). Based on the findings, a timeline for the development of CG from zero to 19 years is proposed in order to facilitate its use by those interested in the design of interventions aimed at promoting cognitions related to equity in childhood based on evidence.

Author Biography

Ángela María Rojas Martínez, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

PhD en psicología, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Magíster en psicología Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Especialista en psicología de la salud, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Psicóloga, Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino Colombia. Integrante grupo Familia y sexualidad, departamento de psicología, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Integrante de la red Colombiana de Mujeres Científicas (rCMC)


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How to Cite

Rojas Martínez, Ángela M. (2019). Development of gender cognitions in children. Qualitative systematic review. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 27(1), 170–196.



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