Women Victims of the Armed Conflict. Analysis of their Reparation within the Framework of Law 1448 of 2011
Women, Victims, Intersectionality, Reparation.Abstract
The gender approach is enshrined in Law 1448 of 2011. With this law, the Colombian State seeks to provide reparation to the victims of the internal armed conflict. In this article we will reflect on its impact on a group
of victims women, and the appraisals of its applicability, according to the experience of a group of public officials, social leaders and NGOs.
The methodology used to collect the information has been qualitative, through semi-structured in-depth interviews and workshops with different actors. analysis leads to identify some key elements that obscure the legislative and jurisprudential successes that the Colombian State has achieved in terms
of reparation with a gender approach. The results indicate the need to go beyond gender as a differentiating category, to achieve greater effectiveness in the reparation proposed to the victims.
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