Mexico, a democracy with confidence and satisfaction crisis: years 2000-2018
representative democracy, freedom of expression, political parties, MexicoAbstract
This article offers an approximation to the understanding of the so-called “confidence” and “satisfaction” crises of the Representative Democratic System in Mexico; Starting from the doctrinal and empirical establishment of the Democratic Representative System in the international context and in Mexico, the growing disaffection for political institutions and the level of satisfaction expressed by people in key moments of the Mexican democracy is studied: the first federal electoral process with the presidential party alternation, year 2000; the choice of the return to continuity and the consolidation of political pluralism, year 2012; and, the new post-alternation 2018. Statistical, theoretical and social data are used from surveys in Mexico that ask about the degree of satisfaction with democracy as a representative system, to what extent citizens have more or less trust in public and private institutions, and how these feelings have evolved. The available data show that the Mexican Representative Democratic System is suffering a crisis of confidence and satisfaction and that it has important challenges ahead. We propose a defense of institutional representation with corrections that can make it closer to the people, more sensitive and efficient.
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