Towards a constellation of peace and developments in Colombia
Peaces, developments, links, ecosystems and multiple dinamicsAbstract
This article defines a series of arguments that support the close link between the conceptions of peace and development, in an attempt to project possibilities of greater impacts on human well-being and evolution. In the journey, each of the notions is endowed with various contents, dimensions, attributes, devices and purposes in order to break with its one-dimensional conception and give way to its multiple and complex constitution, to later define meeting points, association, combination and synergistic work between the notions under study that lead to the recognition of peace and developments circulating in a wider orbit. In the tour, peace and developments are vindicated not only as ideal concepts or notions, but also as processes, experiences, dynamics and multiple events that must be understood online. To achieve this challenge, it was necessary to carry out a critical analysis of different electronic journals, books and United Nations declarations on development and peace in order to open the debate on the logic of symbiosis, synergies, complementarities and mutual contributions.
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