Theoretical Dialogue of Cultural Diplomacy and Communication Promoted by the ALAIC XVIII Pandemic Summer School


  • Manuela Fetter Nicoletti Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil



Cultural Diplomacy, International Relations, Academic Events, International Communication, Otherness Spaces


It is proposed as background and scope of reference for this article to develop, a predominantly bibliographic observation beam, about the tangency between the fields of international relations and communication studies. To reveal, in this intersection, theoretical dialogues on cultural diplomacy and apply them as an optic, in the performance of the ALAIC’s Summer School. Thus, expose and interpret the association as an international academic research institution. This approach starts from a theoretical bibliographic clipping on the main dialogues on the concept of cultural diplomacy, therefore to propose as a case study, the development and performance as a documentary research of the ALAIC summer school, its purposes, objectives and practices. From this perspective of observation, it is intended to look for associations between the themes, and thereby, verify if it is appropriate to interpret the initiative as a catalyst movement of spaces and encounters of otherness, for cultural diplomacy.

Author Biography

Manuela Fetter Nicoletti, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Máster en Comunicación Social. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio
Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre – RS.


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How to Cite

Fetter Nicoletti, M. (2023). Theoretical Dialogue of Cultural Diplomacy and Communication Promoted by the ALAIC XVIII Pandemic Summer School. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 31(2), 250–274.



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