The UNDP/UN Human Development Reports and the application purposes of Amartya Sen's and John Rawls' ideas of justice
Justice, equity, inequalities, human development.Abstract
The theoretical-conceptual frameworks present in the Human Development Reports can be considered as influences and not as affiliations. This is true not only for the assumptions that appear sporadically ?as is the case with those referring to John Rawls? in the documents, but also for those notions more recurrent and based on the perspectives of Amartya Sen and Mahbub Ul Haq, creators of these materials. It is intended to demonstrate, in this article, that in these reports headed by the United Nations, its formulators try to apply some assumptions that have been highlighted in the debates on the ideas of John Rawls. Although it is not reflected in depth on the disagreements between A. Sen and J. Rawls regarding the theory of justice, it is intended to show that RDHs do not disengage in their prescriptive propositions from some guidelines given by Rawls on justice and equity.
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