Violencia intrafamiliar en las familias de hecho del sur de Ciénaga (Magdalena)
Family violenceAbstract
A complex net of interpersonal relationships lies in the family, joined by legal andlor de-facto
kinship and linked by psyclw-affective tieso The family, in its condition of ahuman group anticipates aspace where the highest filial and fraternal feelings are experienced and developed, a condition that leads us into identifying its socializing role However, theaction and theeffects of violence in the interior of the basic cell society become a serious contradiction that clashes against the characteristics and purposes attributed to such institution. Therefore, signs of violence towards the interior offamilies involve a11members in one way or another, reaching the most dissimilar and subtle ways toattempt human dignity in its physical and psychological connotations. Families, in turn, are defined as an efficacious mechanism to submit wilIs and perpetuate customs within homes, especially those concerning thefamily roles assigned within each cuIture.
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