Potencialidades de desarrollo humano respecto a su calidad en un asentamiento de la Costa Caribe colombiana


  • Rosa Ángela Paniagua Feyle Universidad del Norte, Colombia


Human and social development, Quality of life, non conventional abilities


This article is about a study that raises the importance of taking into account the wishes and motivations of the people and/or the communities that they comprise, without the intention of leaving aside the acknowledgment of the economic and social political problems.

It has been sought to know the everyday reality of the settlement under study and how its inhabitants experience and become aware of it, taking into account their opinions about the representations of their abilities (the formal and non conventional ones), needs, actions, opportunities and satisfactions seen from the point of view of their wishes and motivations. Thus, along with the lacks or the needs, the latter are also generators of different types and levels of potential for the human and social development with a good quality of life.

A society with a mechanized development, that in the praxis neglects the integral condition of the human being, makes it difficult for him to develop his/her skills and his/her non conventional abilities may stay latent. The concept of human being can not be limited to that of a being intended for the production and consumption. Therefore, it is pertinent to remember that "the quality of peoples' lives may be poor even in the presence of wealth (2).

A theoretical and conceptual frame has been adopted according to the general objective of the study, which when related to the empirical study of the population involved in it, contributed to the building of conceptions born not from direct empirical referents (since they are neither observable nor perceivable), but inferred by logical or methodological processes, beginning with the opinions collected with the various techniques about "the reality that the people in their natural attitude live and become aware of "(3). Thus, this is a study that has determined the type and level of potential of human development regarding the quality of life of the settlement named "15th August" (in the municipality of Soledad, Atlantico),which is formed approximately by 50 houses and which shows homogeneous conditions of development.

Author Biography

Rosa Ángela Paniagua Feyle, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Psicóloga. Magister en Desarrollo Social.


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How to Cite

Paniagua Feyle, R. Ángela. (2022). Potencialidades de desarrollo humano respecto a su calidad en un asentamiento de la Costa Caribe colombiana. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, (9), 9–28. Retrieved from https://rcientificas.uninorte.edu.co/index.php/investigacion/article/view/2694



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