The Stone of Madness or Percipiens’s Truth



Nosos, pathos, ēthos, percipiens, psychoanalysis.


Since modern age, the so-called ontological-epistemic project of science, which is based on an ideal of visibility, is genealogically shaped. Being transformed into a dominant disciplinary position at the end of the XIX century, this project exerts an ideological influence as restrictive-normative cannon upon discourse constructions about madness. For this reason, a diachronic-Vesaliannosological line of thought is proposed. Notwithstanding, from the beginning, the debate on universal rules of visibility emerges from social sciences. The psychoanalytical discourse, proposed as representative of this line of thought, is founded on an “?thos” of saying about something “invisible”, and attached to a Paracelsian-pathological tradition. The author provides a hermeneutical approximation by utilizing such an iconographic reference as “the extraction of the stone of madness,” of Flemish painter HieronymusBosch.

Author Biography

Yidy Paez Casadiegos, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Profesor de Historia Social de la Medicina e Historia de la Civilización Griega de la Universidad del Norte. Miembro del grupo de Investigación en Arqueología, Historia y Estudios Urbanos del Caribe colombiano de la Universidad del Norte.Médico-Cirujano y Magíster en Salud Mental, Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Universidad de León e Instituto de Salud Mental y Neurociencias de Barcelona (España).


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How to Cite

Paez Casadiegos, Y. (2012). The Stone of Madness or Percipiens’s Truth. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 20(1), 116–141. Retrieved from



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