The Policy of Articulation between Upper Secondary and Higher Education. The case of the Bogota´s Education Office



Upper secondary education, Higher Education, Educational policy, Educational Equality


This research is intended to understand the effects of the Articulation Policy between upper secondary and higher education in Bogota. The study approached several perspectives about the process of decision makers in the City Education Office, and those of the Articulation Coordinators in the higher education institutions and in the schools. In addition to that, the project developed three case studies in order to understand the implementation process and its effects on students. Based on the findings, we determined that this policy was irrational and confused the problem of lack of identity of the upper secondary education with the scarce access to higher education. Likewise, the Articulation has promoted different cooperative and conflictive interactions at schools, and a training of the students for the social experience in higher education. However, it has not achieved an increase in higher education opportunities for these students.

Author Biography

Claudia Milena Diaz Rios, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Socióloga de la universidad nacional de colombia y magíster en ciencias sociales con mención en Educación de la Facultad latinoamericana de ciencias sociales (Argentina). Investigadora del grupo de Estudios en Educación media y superior de la universidad nacional de Colombia.


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How to Cite

Diaz Rios, C. M. (2012). The Policy of Articulation between Upper Secondary and Higher Education. The case of the Bogota´s Education Office. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 20(2), 230–253. Retrieved from



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