The use of web resources to support the education of children in Colombian parents




Digital divide; use of Internet, parental online support; educational web sites


This research examines Internet use and efficiency by Colombian parents in finding web resources as support for children’s education. A total of 225 parents participated and reported Internet use for educational aims by means of an on-line questionnaire. Results showed that the parental educational level, and to a lesser extent, the parental gender and children’s age, modulate the use and the content accessed as well as the capacity to conduct efficient searches, to find appropriate webs and to evaluate the quality of the contents found. The existence of these digital divide put at risk the effectivity of the web resources as universal tools to support parents in their educational task in those family groups with major cultural vulnerabilities and gender inequalities.

Author Biographies

Mercedes Amparo Muñetón Ayala, Universad de Antioquia, Colombia

Professor at the University of Antioquia, Master in Linguistics at the Caro y Cuervo Institute, Bogotá, PhD in Experimental and Applied Psycholinguistics at the University of La Laguna, Spain. Professor Professor of the Faculty of Evolutionary Psychology and Education, Dr. in Psychology, Professor at the University of La Laguna, Spain. The use of web resources to support the education of children in Colombian parents.

Arminda Suaréz, Universidad de La Laguna, España

Licenciada en Pedagogía, Doctoranda Universidad de La Laguna (España)

María José Rodrigo López, Universidad de La Laguna, España

Ph.D. in Political and Social Thought (Virginia Tech) and MA in Latin American History (Virginia Tech). MA in African History (EHESS). He completed a postdoctoral stay at the CEIICH of the UNAM, where he undertook an investigation on paradigms of masculinity and heroism in journalism on the left in Mexico in the 1960s. Historian of the National University of Colombia. He is a specialist in politics studies and comparative history. He is currently a professor-researcher at the University of La Salle.


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How to Cite

Ayala, M. A. M., Suaréz, A., & Rodrigo López, M. J. (2015). The use of web resources to support the education of children in Colombian parents. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 23(1), 91–116.



Research Articles