Conceptual and methodological perspectives in research on early affective relationships




affective development, the first year of life, perspectives of study of emotional’ expression, first year of life, Nonlinear Dynamic System


The aim of this article is to present a bibliographic review of the study of affective relationships in the first year of life based on qualitative analysis of theoretical and investigative articles published during the last four decades. The articles’ selection adopts as a criterion the index of citation that denotes relevance and wide circulation of the theoretical and methodological postulates in this field of knowledge. The reviews of the articles are systematized in a descriptive grid that allows to identify the constituent elements of a publication and the internal consistency of the conceptualization. Reviews of investigative articles include the design review, data collection techniques, and analytical units used by researchers. The qualitative analysis of systematized reviews, establishes some polarities that structure publications: innate - acquired; Endogenous - exogenous; General domain development - specific domain development; Macro changes – micro changes. In methodological terms, experimental designs - situational designs in specific cultural contexts; direct causal relationship analysis models – multiple relationship analysis models. Simultaneously, these polarities define four perspectives that synthesize the theoretical and methodological affinities of the publications: innatist, ecological-contextual, interactionist and Nonlinear Dynamic Systems (SDNL ). In the discussion, we present the matrix of psychological thinking and the conceptions of development that are implicit in each one of the perspectives. Finally, in the conclusions we highlight the researchers’ search for models of analysis that establish border dialogues between perspectives to overcome the polarities to understand the complexity of affective relationships in the first year of life. In this effort arise the studies of SDNL  to explain the emergence of novelty in the affective-cognitive development of the child from the events of reorganization within the dyadic systems.

Author Biographies

Zamara Cuadros Parada, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Candidate to Ph.D. from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Psychologist and Master in Psychology at Universidad del Valle - Cali, Colombia. Member of the Research Group Psychological Development in Contexts of the Center for Research in Psychology, Cognition and Culture of the Universidad del Valle. Member of the Language, Interaction and Phenomenology Laboratory of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Hernán Sánchez Ríos, Universidad del Valle, Colombia

Professor at the Psychology Institute of the Universidad del Valle. Researcher of the Psychological Development Group in Contexts. PhD student from the Institute of Psychology of the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. CNPq sachet.


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How to Cite

Cuadros Parada, Z., & Sánchez Ríos, H. (2017). Conceptual and methodological perspectives in research on early affective relationships. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 25(1), 102–134.



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