Re-thinking the enterprise in defense of a development of the social context for the life: junctions and implications of the posdevelopment on the organizational strategy
Company, development, vital counter-development, strategy, post-developmentAbstract
Under the modern/capitalist/world/system, the enterprise and the development of the social contexts maintain codependent relations materialized by the neoliberal State. As a consequence, the neoliberal enterprise is responsible for the establishment of a modern development bounded to the capitalism and opposed to one contra – development, functional to the vital operation of life. Consequently, it is critical to re-invent the concept of enterprise, connecting it with the functions of life. Bearing this in mind (and using the ideas of the post-development), I seek to contribute to this discussion by challenging the ideas, practices, and discourses of the Organizational Strategy. The notion of strategy that I seek to challenge is defined by Furrer, Thomas and Goussevskaia (2008); Guerras-Martín, Madhok, and Montoro-Sanchez (2014); and Mintzberg (1998), as a combination of plans and patterns of behavior, forms of positioning and perspectives of the leaders and stratagems against competitors. In other words, the strategy is a significant variable which moves around many and dynamic subjects. It allows the coordination of the enterprise and influences on the development that it generates. I privilege a qualitative methodology (constructivist/interpretative), documentary analysis, interviews with experts and the presence of argumentative texts.
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