Learning styles and attitudes toward the scientific investigation in university students





learning styles, individual learning, scientific research, scientific attitudes


This work’s purpose is to establish the association between the variables learning styles and attitudes toward scientific research in university students. It is a descriptive correlational study, with a population of 1,513 and a sample of 195 university students of the various professional careers of the Hermilio Valdizán National University of Huánuco - Peru. They were evaluated with Kolb’s Inventory of Learning Styles IEA and the Scale of Attitudes toward Scientific Research EAHIC. The results obtained with the chi-squared ?2 show that there is a degree of significant correlation, with a contingency coefficient c = 0.62. Finally, it was discovered that the divergent learning style is dominant in the sample, so was the uncaring attitude toward scientific research.

Author Biography

Manuel Roberto Blanco Aliaga, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán, Perú

Professor at the Faculty of Education Sciences of Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán.


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How to Cite

Blanco Aliaga, M. R. (2017). Learning styles and attitudes toward the scientific investigation in university students. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 25(2), 82–99. https://doi.org/10.14482/indes.25.2.10960



Research Articles