Emociones morales y políticas en el paradigma del mal: el (no) lugar de la infancia





moral and political emotions, paradigm of evil, childhood, emotional blindness, silenced voices, cultivation of emotions


In the field of moral and political philosophy, in particular, in the liberal political tradition, some theorists have shown the importance of emotions in the promotion of actions oriented towards the common good. In opposition to these presuppositions, there is the paradigm of evil, which reflects on the place of emotions as the activators of cruelty in the midst of barbaric contexts –fear, guilt, disgust–. It should be noted that theses domains have given a significant value to the role of childhood in the learning of civic emotions, even if they have also underlined the harm caused to moral and political sensibility by atrocious events –the (no) place of childhood–. Taking this literature into account, the present article aims to review the different comprehensive thesis about emotions in the moral and the political life, their cultivation since childhood, and their impact on contexts affected by horrorism and atrocity (paradigm of evil).

For Ricoeur, philosophy and theology have seen evil as a source of understanding. In the essays of Theodicy, the author indicates, in spite of the various answers about evil, three propositions are affirmed: God is all powerful; God is absolutely good; However, evil exists. The author affirms that these propositions express an "ontotheological" state, which shows the breadth and complexity of proposing a phenomenology of the experience of evil. It also indicates that it was Kant who introduced the strongest blow to theology, by posing the "radical evil", because it breaks with the idea of original sin by pointing out that evil is a supreme maxim that serves as a subjective foundation against related bad maxims with free will. In other words, Ricoeur (2007) points out how problematic human freedom is.

Author Biographies

Marieta Quintero Mejía, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia






PhD in Social Sciences, Childhood and Youth of the Universidad de Manizales-CINDE and Pos-doctorate in Social Sciences, Childhood and Youth of the Postgraduate Network clacso. Professor at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Co-director of the Moralia Research Group. National Director of the Education for Peace Collective. marietaqmg@gmail.com

Keilyn Julieth Sánchez Espitia, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia

Bachelor in Basic Education with emphasis in Humanities and Spanish Language and student of the Master in Education of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Young researcher of the Moralia Group. Coordinator of the PazArte Schools Program of the In-Ju Huellas Foundation. Member of the Education for Peace Collective. Email: kjse14@hotmail.com


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How to Cite

Quintero Mejía, M., & Sánchez Espitia, K. J. (2016). Emociones morales y políticas en el paradigma del mal: el (no) lugar de la infancia. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 24(2), 240–266. https://doi.org/10.14482/indes.24.2.8898



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