The national taxation in the transfers and royalties territorial of Colombia: A search for Fiscal Equity between the Nation and the Territorial Entities (2000-2017)


  • Carlos Mario Rincón Navas Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia



economic inequality, transfers, taxation, fiscal inequality, growth


Traditionally Colombia has been characterized by wide economic, political and social between their territories. Therefore, the object of this document is the comparison of Territorial Development in Colombia, so I know have analyzed the economic and social inequalities between the departments, and the increasing polarization of levels of per capita income; in this sense, it found that the economic and social reality of the Nation was characterized by a great dissimilarity between different territories. Therefore, it is proposed necessary real debate on the tax system of Colombia, redesigning policies that ensure the Necessary balance between distribution of tax powers and financial Strengthening National sub-entities (departments, municipalities and districts). Seen this way, the National Reality is presented Faced with the distribution of tax powers and resources assigned by the central government Territories, calculations Gini and Other Own Calculations and tax indicators is also presented to analyze behavior taxation Colombian national from Departments, in addition, it is taken as a reference the example of inequality recently conducted by Thomas Piketty, for show income inequalities in Colombia. Sources Databases correspond to the Statistical Information Systems Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (DIAN), National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) and the National Planning Department (DNP). Finally the objective of these results is serve as the basis for the debate of a possible tax reform and tax to help reduce inequality and promote Territorial Development in Colombia.

Author Biography

Carlos Mario Rincón Navas, Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia

Economista de la Universidad del Atlántico, Especialista en Finanzas Públicas de la Escuela superior de Administración Pública.


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How to Cite

Rincón Navas, C. M. (2018). The national taxation in the transfers and royalties territorial of Colombia: A search for Fiscal Equity between the Nation and the Territorial Entities (2000-2017). Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 26(2), 125–158.



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