The Emberá, tourism and indigenous archaeology: “rediscovering” the past in Eastern Panama




arqueología indígena, turismo indígena, alfarería Emberá, Venta de Chagres, Camino Real, Panamá Oriental


In this article we discuss the interest of the Emberá (an Amerindian indigenous group) in collecting knowledge about material remains of the past—such as colonial and pre-colonial ceramic fragments – that are easily found in Eastern Panama. We situate this interest of the Emberá (and their desire to learn more about the past) within the context of indigenous tourism, which has inspired the articulation of new narratives about Emberá history and identity. In addition, the accidental discovery by the Emberá of ceramic fragments from past periods has instigated and facilitated archaeological investigation, a process that resulted in a reciprocal exchange of knowledge between the Emberá and the academic investigators. Such a reciprocal relationship, we argue, can contribute towards the decolonisation of archaeology, create synergies between anthropology and archaeology, and enhance indigenous representation in tourism.

Author Biographies

Tomas Enrique Mendizabal

Arqueólogo, especialista en la región precolombina y colonial panameña y director del Museo Reina Torres de Araúz.

Dimitrios Theodossopoulos, Universidad de Kent

Profesor de Antropología Social en la Univesidad de Kent





Artículos de Investigación