Data Exporter: A complementary tool to export data simulation from NEURON


  • Oscar Emilio Hernandez Bustos Universidad del Norte
  • Daladier Jabba Universidad del Norte
  • Fabian Muñoz

Palabras clave:

Data Exporter, Computational simulation tool, NEURON’s programming language hoc


Objectives: To develop a computational tool for NEURON simulation environment, user friendly, to store the results generated during simulation and to make subsequent analysis with other tools such as Matlab and IgorPRo

Materials and Methods: Data Exporter was implemented in the programming lan- guage hoc. This algorithm is divided in 13 sections or blocks. The first section is necessary to edit in a new simulation. These new configuration determine the geometry, biophysic properties the neurons to simulate and path to save data.

Results: To check the efficiency of the algorithm, we simulated the propagation of action potential in TRN(thalamic reticular nucleus) neuron in different large of simulation. We determine that the time of simulation is linear respect to time of simulation.

Conclusions: Data Exporter makes easier to start to neural simulation in NEURON re- ducing the steps of programming to geometry and biophysical properties of the neuron and to allow save data to next steps of analysis.

Biografía del autor/a

Oscar Emilio Hernandez Bustos, Universidad del Norte

Licenciado en Matemáticas y Física Tecnólogo en Electrónica Industrial Especialista en Física General Magíster en Biofísica Médica




Cómo citar

Hernandez Bustos, O. E., Jabba, D., & Muñoz, F. (2013). Data Exporter: A complementary tool to export data simulation from NEURON. Revista Científica Salud Uninorte, 29(2). Recuperado a partir de



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