Quality of health service: a background of patient satisfaction at Riohospital in the city of Riobamba (Ecuador)


  • KLEVER MORENO Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Ecuador
  • Gustavo Cazorla Basantes Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador


Health service, quality, satisfaction, user, medical service


The quality of service in the health field is essential because it not only includes patient satisfaction, but also improves the quality of life in the long term. At present, the quality of health service is a principal factor in the social sphere, because it is perceived by users and denotes the deficiencies within hospital institutions that are manifested, through complaints, limited budget in the health area, lack of personal protective equipment, shortage of medicines and job instability. Methodologically, it is proposed to analyze the sources related to the quality of the service of the Riohospitalario located in the city of Riobamba, to establish the prevalence of patient satisfaction and strengthen relationships between doctors and users. SPSS software was used for the application of exploratory factor analysis and Spearman's Rho hypothesis test. As a result, through the hypothesis test, it gave a moderate positive correlation between different variables, but considering the processes of hospital discharge, where it showed a value of 0.39, which means a low positive correlation. However, the perception of the Riohospital service has a positive influence according to the users, as well as the relationship in the five dimensions of the PubHosQual model in the admission of patients, medical service, global service, discharge, and social responsibility with positive values. from 0.70 to 0.90 consistency in relation to the satisfaction of patients and users.

Author Biographies

KLEVER MORENO, Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Ecuador

Posdoctor por la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, doctor en Ciencias de la Empresa por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España). Tiene además otros grados académicos de cuarto nivel de magíster en Diseño Curricular y Evaluación Educativa (Ecuador), magíster en Gestión Financiera Empresarial (Ecuador) y máster universitario en Organización de Empresas (España). Dentro del grado académico de tercer nivel es ingeniero de empresas y licenciado en Ciencias Administrativas por la Universidad Técnica de Ambato (Ecuador).

Gustavo Cazorla Basantes, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador

Gustavo Polo Cazorla Basantes es Doctor en medicina y cirugía general, posee una especialidad en ortopedia y traumatología por la Universidad Central del Ecuador. También posee un diplomado en docencia universitaria, y en la actualidad cursa una maestría en Gerencia hospitalaria por la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Su experiencia laboral es de 14 años en el campo médico. Ha laborado en el Patronato Provincial de Sucumbíos, y el resto en el Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social de Riobamba desde el año 2010.


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