Returns from education in labor income for formal and informal workers in the Junín region: 2016 – 2021
inequality, Heckman, Oaxaca-Blinder, JunínAbstract
The objective of this article is to identify the main determinants of the “returns to education in labor income for formal and informal workers in the Junín region: 2016 -2021”. To do this, we use the ENAHO database for the period. 2016 to 2021, where we use the Mincer model, the Heckman methodology, and the Oaxaca-Blinder model. The results obtained were that men earn 22 % more than women in both sectors, highlighting that university higher education has positive effects in both sectors (14 % in the formal and 14.7 % in the informal); Work experience benefits the formal sector (0.262 %) but harms the informal sector (-0.006 %) and the place of residence positively influences both sectors (8.83 % in the formal sector and 9.02 % in the informal sector). The results of this study show that education continues to be a determining factor in the labor income of workers in the Junín region, both in the formal and informal sectors.
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