Mine and Mine Alone. The Particularity of the Aristotelian Substance and its Relation to the Soul
Palabras clave:
alma, particularidad, universalidad, sustancia, ontologíaResumen
In this paper, we seek to develop an analysis of the Aristotelian theory of substance, specifically of the discussion about its particularity or universality. We will first review the statement of the problem as it appears in Categories. We will then take the discussion to Metaphysics, specifically book Z, where a further developed and elaborated view of the ideas presented by the philosopher can be found compared to the Organon. From there we will review the universalist and particularist views to evaluate them on their merit and try to determine which of the two turns out to be more adequate for Aristotelian ontology. Finally, we will review some possible solutions to the
problem of cognizability presented by the particularist view and attempt to clarify
these problems in light of the application it has when the conflict is transposed to the
problem of the soul in De Anima.
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