Call for papers "Letters from the Afro-Caribbean Sea"


Letters from the Afro-Caribbean Sea

Eidos invites the international academic community to submit research articles for the monograph "Afro-Caribbean Sea Letters".

The original and unpublished papers must explore a subject related to the literature of African descendants in the cultural space of the Greater Caribbean, which, due to its position and history, is one of the most diverse regions in the world. With a vocation that has allowed those who write here to link with multiple and distant sources, with the freedom of those who do not recognize topics, spaces or times that are forbidden to them as a result of the different cultures that have gathered in its basin and the influence of the multiple and complex processes of syncretism and hybridization that have operated in its space. By their nature, the lyrics of the Afro-Caribbean sea direct their gaze towards numerous traditions that are assumed as their own. Its essence can be appreciated not so much in space, details or language, but in the free and transgressive attitude with which the world is examined and history is evaluated, in the way multiple territories, times and visions are welcomed and incorporated in the same literary project.

Suggested lines of research: literary history, Afro-Caribbean literature, multiculturalism, slavery and racism in literature, construction of identities, circulation of ideas and images, among others.

Editorial coordination: Dr. Orlando Araújo Fontalvo, member of the Scientific Committee of the journal and researcher of the project "Connected World: the Caribbean, origin of the modern world", a research project funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 program, Marie Curie, agreement no. 823846.


Deadline for submissions: Friday, February 23, 2024.