The Link between the Shape of the Spirit Known as “Beautiful Soul” and the “Bad Infinite” in the Philosophy of Hegel [Spanish]


  • Carlos Víctor Alfaro Universidad Nacional de Rosario


Hegel, beautiful soul, bad infinite


Many scholars have stated that the ontology of the Hegelian notion of “beautiful soul” is grounded in the category known as “bad infinite”, developed in the Doctrine of Being. Regarding this, scholars like Paha, Hinchman, Solomon and Harris state that Hegel was thinking of the Fichtean philosophical system as He developed his own notion of “beautiful soul”. However, this interpretation has some issues, which will be developed below. First, we give a short explanation about the shape of the Spirit known as “beautiful soul”. Second, we describe the category called “bad infinite”. Third, we show the issues related to the interpretation. Fourth, we present the objections to the inclusion of the Fichtean philosophy as an example of the Hegelian notion of “beautiful soul”. Finally, we present the conclusions.

Author Biography

Carlos Víctor Alfaro, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Ciudad de Rosario, Argentina)

Doctor en Filosofía por la Univer­sidad Nacional de Rosario. Actual­mente adscripto a la cátedra “pro­blemática política” de la carrera de Licenciatura en Filosofía en la Fa­cultad de Humanidades y Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Su línea de investigación actual está dirigida a la filosofía de Hegel. Más específicamente, la concepción de alma bella en la filosofía del citado pensador.


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