About the Formal Distinctions of Spinozistic Substance. Deleuze and Dialectics [Spanish]


  • Rodrigo Steimberg Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, CONICET



This paper addresses the Deleuzian interpretation of the Spinozist substance. It aims at showing that the fundamental nucleus of this interpretation lies in pointing out the unique and simultaneously multiple character of the substance, which Deleuze conceptualizes through the category of formal distinction, taken from Duns Scoto. To reach this goal, the notions of univocity and expression are characterized. This leads us to affirm that substance, being both unique and multiple, consists of the development of a contradiction. This character allows us to conclude that the Deleuzian interpretation, beyond its manifest purpose, emphasizes a dimension of Spinoza’s work that brings it closer to Hegel’s philosophy. This implies that Deleuze’s own production also offers aspects that approach it to the German philosopher’s work.


Author Biography

Rodrigo Steimberg, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, CONICET

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas sede Universi­dad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina)


Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Actualmente se desempeña como Becario Posdoctoral por el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cien­tíficas y Técnicas, con sede en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Su tema de investigación actual es la teoría del Estado moderno en la obra de Louis Althusser. Entre sus publicaciones recientes se destacan: ““Un recorrido por la producción de Louis Althusser: el estructura­lismo aleatorio”, Izquierdas, n°40, 2018. Instituto de Estudios Avanza­dos de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile, USACH. “De la identidad a la diferencia. Althusser y la causa­lidad estructural”.


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