The Concept of Freedom by J. J. Rousseau [Spanish]


  • Lelia Edith Profili Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza-Argentina)


This paper will demonstrate that it is possible to identify in Rousseau’s work the foundations of the philosophy of freedom that began with Kant, and especially, in Rousseau’s vision of the essential relationship between the concepts of freedom and humanity. By means of a critical and hermeneutical method, the analysis focuses on elucidating the historical and philosophical meaning of the anthropological conception consolidated in his two first Discourses. The aim is to show that freedom acquires the unprecedented significance of becoming the principle of humanity and the ground that determines humankind’s destiny. The results of this study suggest that this idea of humanity, defined by freedom, sets the basis for subsequent philosophical thinking and evidence the decisive importance of Rousseau for the modern consciousness of freedom.

Author Biography

Lelia Edith Profili, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza-Argentina)

Profesora Auxiliar de la Cátedra de Metafísica del Departamento de Filosofía, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)


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