Getting Involved Actively in Common Life: An Invitation from the Concept of Friendship in Gadamer [Spanish]


  • Cristian Camilo Garzón Magister en Filosofía Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Amistad, aislamiento, involucramiento, Gadamer, vida en común.


The aim of the present article is to emphasize and revive Gadamer’s appropriation of the concept «friendship» (the greek philía). I will try to construe its specific sense as a sort of exhortation, a contribution made, not by an expert or specialist, but by a citizen that interprets his own reality. First we will see how this call can be identified as a characteristic tendency of Gadamer’s analysis of actual social problems. Then we will see in the notion of friendship a way to face (according to our author) the evasión of the self by recovering from the oblivion the authentic links with the others which are always present as an open possibility, but which need to be made effective in the active involvement of each and everyone of us.

Author Biography

Cristian Camilo Garzón, Magister en Filosofía Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Estudió Filosofía en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Terminó estudios de maestría en la misma universidad, con énfasis en hermenéutica y filosofía antigua. Participó como ponente en el VII Congreso colombiano de filosofía en 2018. Actualmente se desempeña como investigador independiente.


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