Inter-Epochal Dialogues in the Platonic Alcibiades I. Phenomenological Aspects on Intersubjectivity and Empathy in the Analogy of the Sight [Spanish]


  • Claudia Teresa Mársico Universidad de Buenos Aires


Plato, Alcibiades, anthropology, Phenomenology, historicity


This work highlights the significance of the study on intersubjectivity and empathy in the platonic Alcibiades I to show its relevance for the understanding of the development of ancient anthropology and its value as a case study on the dialogue between philosophical ideas from different historical moments. For this purpose, we will examine the definition of the human being and the analogy of the sight, and we will connect this approaches with contemporary phenomenological views about intersubjectivity and empathy in order to explore this issue and to reveal the power of inter-epochal dialogue as a primary element of the internal logic of philosophy.

Author Biography

Claudia Teresa Mársico, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Profesora a cargo de la Cátedra de Historia de la Filosofía Antigua de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Doctora en Filosofía, Directora de la Sección de Estudios de Filosofía Antigua de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires.


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