According to Plato, the “Mortals” of Parmenides, are the Ancestors of the Sophists? [Spanish]


  • Nestor Luis Cordero Université de Rennes 1, Francia Profesor Emérito


Plato, Sophists, Antisthenes, Parmenides, appearance, dóxa


Why, when Plato wants to justify his definition of the sophist as an "image
maker"(Sophist, 236c), he quotes two authentic verses of Parmenides (fr. 7.1-2) that undoubtedly allude to the path taken by the "mortals who know nothing" (fr. 6.4)? Does he want to suggest that these "mortals", who are actually "opinions (doxaí) makers" are ancestors of the sophists, who are "image makers"?

Author Biography

Nestor Luis Cordero, Université de Rennes 1, Francia Profesor Emérito

Ubiversité de Rennes

Profesor Emérito


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