Return to The Three Ecologies: Ecosophical Aspects of the Global Ecological Crisis [Spanish]


  • Simón Díez Montoya Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá)


Philosophy, Ecology, Environmental humanities


The 21st century has seen the rise of “environmental philosophy”, concerned with the problematization of the global ecological crisis. In this bibliography, the contributions of Felix Guattari remain relegated —even when he should be acknowledged as one of the first to develop an environmental philosophy in his work The Three Ecologies—. This article proposes an analysis of the problematic center of this pioneering work. Thus, it insists on the importance of returning to the original text; of revising its main topics in each ecosophical domain (mental, social, environmental); and of upholding its relevance even in the light of current environmental philosophy. Furthermore, in this analysis, the successes and flaws of its wagers and forecasts are considered: it is of note that its unfulfilled practical hope contrasts with its sharp theoretical diagnosis. The present text argues that this work not only passes the test of time, but also fulfills the purpose of clarifying the current planetary catastrophe.

Author Biography

Simón Díez Montoya, Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá)

Adjunct professor, School of Human Sciences, Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá)


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