The Inscription of Literature in the Social Machine. The Arguedas / Vargas Llosa Cleavage in the Regard of Mabel Moraña and Cornejo Polar [Spanish]


  • Adolfo Chaparro Amaya Rosario University, Bogotá


Philosophy of literature, Decolonial Critical Theory


This article intends to review the approaches of Mabel Moraña and Antonio Cornejo Polar to the paradigmatic cleavage between the figures of José María Arguedas and Mario Vargas Llosa in Latin American culture. Within this framework, both Cornejo Polar and Mabel Moraña develop, in their own language, questions about power devices and resistance strategies derived from relationships between literatura and social machines raised by Deleuze and Guattari, from a decolonial perspective. This will be the content of the first part. In the second, it would like to follow Cornejo Polar's path in creating the concept of 'heterogeneous subjectivity', which condenses the experience of internal migration in the Andean countries and is present with particular linguistic and performance intensity in El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo, the last work of Arguedas.

Author Biography

Adolfo Chaparro Amaya, Rosario University, Bogotá

Associate Professor

Doctor in Philosophy Ph D



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